Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

The world is rich Hereafter Through Zakat, infak and Alms (ZaiS)

By: Heri iswandi, S.EI

     Human journey that would not go there ujunganya forced to race against time, morning day and night no longer an issue, in order to achieve a predetermined target. Individuals and groups struggle to get something of his dreams. However, there is one interesting thing in this life, "which so far appear less visible and the near future", today, the term is not new anymore, but instead it's been widely overlooked by most people today. Perhaps because time is so fast that humans no longer stepped slowly, but immediately make the leap that so far, but there is a more definite and clear of any step.
      Activity every day someone will want to get a result, the question of what kind of results, depending on the destination before. However, most of the activities performed every day will want to get to the next world. Not independent of the initial objectives, the impact of well-being is happiness and peace. And of course, to achieve all this, a deep sense of gratitude needs to be improved, one of which is the share of gratitude to others.Moreover, as expressly stated in the Qur'an that "Except ye be thankful, surely we will add (favors) unto you, and if ye deny (my favor), verily a painful torment me" [1]. The form of gratitude is shared for each other. "The best man is useful to another human being", especially the less in this life, no need to go so far to get welfare, the practice of the verse is already a first step in achieving prosperity, and of course, happiness and peace become ours.

      If the habit of sharing is inherent in seseoran, then it will be secured by AllahSWT which will continue to flow resekinya the unexpected. It was mentioned in sura al-Baqara: 261, Allah says:
Imagery (income incurred by) the people who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is similar to a seed that grows seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. God magnifies (reward) for whom he wills. and Allah is vast (His gifts), Knowing.
What is meant by the way of Allah is helping memperjaungkan religion of God, through for example education, health, and other actions that are helping to reduce the people hard.
      When calculated mathematically, money valued at Rp. 10,000 in charity in Allah, then grew to be seven times and each growth produces 100 times more, then the result is: 10.000x7x100 = Rp. 7.000.000, -. This matter mathematically, not to mention the unexpected fortune of God. If more than that number is issued for God, then the result will be the answer to the dreams of all this to get welfare, and of course, happiness and peace will come over to each of our steps in life.
[1] Q.S. Ibrahim: 7

Makassar, 05 March 2012
PPS UIN Alauddin Makassar students.
Heri Iswandi, S.EI